Cardiac Capital Resources

Hospitals with dedicated coronary care units (per million people)

Total number of hospitals, public or private, with dedicated coronary care units.
Bar Chart
    • Country (A - Z)
    • Country (Z - A)
    • Value (Increasing)
    • Value (Decreasing)
    ESC Atlas

    Hospitals with dedicated coronary care units (per million people)

    Time Series
    ESC Atlas

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      Country Source Year Value
      Armenia eAtlas3 2019 5.07
      Austria eAtlas3 2019 3.72
      Azerbaijan eAtlas3 2019 1.90
      Bulgaria eAtlas3 2020 8.31
      Bosnia and Herzegovina eAtlas3 2019 4.54
      Belarus eAtlas3 2019 9.93
      Switzerland eAtlas3 2019 4.31
      Cyprus eAtlas3 2019 8.34
      Czech Republic eAtlas3 2019 2.06
      Denmark eAtlas3 2021 3.44
      ESC generic 2021 4.04
      Spain eAtlas3 2019 0.57
      Estonia eAtlas3 2020 3.77
      Europe generic 2021 3.87
      France eAtlas3 2018 4.20
      United Kingdom eAtlas3 2018 3.13
      Georgia eAtlas3 2019 13.71
      Greece eAtlas3 2020 4.67
      High income countries generic 2021 3.77
      Croatia eAtlas3 2019 6.15
      Hungary eAtlas3 2020 4.09
      Ireland eAtlas3 2017 7.28
      Iceland eAtlas3 2019 2.77
      Israel eAtlas3 2020 2.76
      Italy eAtlas3 2015 6.50
      Kyrgyzstan eAtlas3 2019 1.08
      Lithuania eAtlas3 2020 1.79
      Luxembourg eAtlas3 2019 6.45
      Latvia eAtlas3 2019 4.18
      Moldova eAtlas3 2019 1.51
      Macedonia eAtlas3 2019 3.84
      Malta eAtlas3 2019 3.98
      Montenegro eAtlas3 2019 14.47
      Netherlands eAtlas3 2019 1.73
      Norway eAtlas3 2019 7.29
      Poland eAtlas3 2018 5.61
      Portugal eAtlas3 2019 3.70
      Romania eAtlas3 2019 1.19
      Russia eAtlas3 2019 4.79
      Serbia eAtlas3 2019 7.92
      Slovakia eAtlas3 2019 8.80
      Slovenia eAtlas3 2019 1.92
      Sweden eAtlas3 2019 7.00
      Tunisia eAtlas3 2021 3.93
      Ukraine eAtlas3 2019 3.72
      Kosovo eAtlas3 2019 5.02