Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mortality from different causes

ESC Atlas
Women (Number of deaths: )
ESC Atlas
Men (Number of deaths: )

Source WHO, 2020

Risk factors and health behaviours


ESC: --% EU: --%
ESC Atlas

Source WHO


ESC Atlas

Source WHO

Binge drinking

ESC: --% EU: --%
ESC Atlas

Source WHO

High Blood Pressure

ESC Atlas

Source WHO

CVD Mortality Rate

    ESC Atlas
    ESC Atlas

    Source WHO

    Socioeconomic status Value
    GDP per capita, PPP (international $) 12 869.77
    Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 76.8
    Population ages 65 and above (% of total population) 15.7
    Total population 3 480 986
    CVD delivery Value
    Cardiologists (total) (per million people) 55.73
    Percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) (per million people) 950.0
    CVD Mortality Value
    Deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, female (per 100000, age-standardized) 836.4
    Deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, male (per 100000, age-standardized) 1 001.5
    Premature deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, female (crude rate per 100000) 89.6
    Premature deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, male (crude rate per 100000) 178.0
    Economic burden of CVD Value (€ million)